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Architecting the digital
Friday PM
Redesigning a Future of Work platform to help companies create high-performing workplaces. Defining UX vision and taking part in shaping design strategy. Conducting user interviews, and creating UX artifacts, such as user journeys, information architecture, JTBDs, etc. Prototyping, and preparing hi-fi designs for development
ONY 2021
Designing an interior design manufacturer corporate website and a typefaces web store. Prototyping, making animations, discovering unconventional UI visual design solutions, communicating with the client and delivering hi-fi designs
Ukrainian Judiciary
Transforming bureaucratic newspaper into litigations tracker. The service helps to find trial cases including their history, status and details. As well as to find a court, prepare a valid application to the court and get information about judiciary
Сreating enterprise applications designed to automate processes within the company. The apps could be divided into two categories: a) CRM systems in the fields of audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, tax and legal; and b) internal HR & Coaching applications.
KTF Jermilov
KTF Jermilov is a modular display font following the typographical practice of Kharkiv avant-garde artist and designer Vasyl Jermilov. As a representative of its era, it shares constructivist ideals of "the struggle against super- fluity", striving for universality and convenience.
Kyiv Type Foundry
Developing a small web store for a type foundry working with Cyrillic-based heritage. The store offers different licenses affecting the price, online payment, fonts download and mailing with the attached fonts and generated PDF-invoice. Developed with React (using hooks), NextJS, Context API, Stripe API and GraphCMS
Marrying the Impossible
Organizing and assisting an experimental lettering workshop Marrying the Impossible as a part of an own Kyiv School educational initiative. Considering type as fundamental to design the workshop helps a student to explore type, discover its forms and create its DNA for further font face development
Chrome browser extension to block objectionable Facebook posts. It gets a keyword from a user, checks all posts rendered by Facebook and delete them if they contain a certain keyword. Developed using AngularJS, MutationObserver and Chrome Storage
Kyiv School of Economics
Shaping image of an impactful educational institution in Economics and transforming its digital representation into a service where a scholar could easily find available programs as well as get to know more about the school’s community
IYDC 2019