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Deloitte 2015-2016

Сreating enterprise applications designed to automate processes within the company. The apps could be divided into two categories: a) CRM systems in the fields of audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, tax and legal; and b) internal HR & Coaching applications.

Information (NDA)

Every CRM system & HR app is an uncommon digital service developed for Deloitte employees exclusively. Its business logic was formed during a long process of discussions, meetings and calls within a company’s project team and then in cooperation with an executing team of business analysts, project managers and designers. It could be an engagements matter management app, corporate ethics online handbook, accounting research tool or personal goals trainer etc.

Applications’ user experience was adapted for a corporate user, thus it contained clear and conventional (in a good sense) UI patterns. At the beginning of 2016 Deloitte introduced his updated brand identity as well as his own UI design language that improved apps brand consistency.