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Kyiv School of Economics 2017

Shaping image of an impactful educational institution in Economics and transforming its digital representation into a service where a scholar could easily find available programs as well as get to know more about the school’s community


Kyiv School of Economics has an ambition to build a strong foundation for a state economy. Thus the cornerstone of a strategy is about Impact. The idea of Impact was reflected both in simple visual identity (kickstarted in cooperation with Misha Smetana) and complex text narrative.

Impact is the message, educational programs is a medium

Information architecture

Programs are the key commodity the school provides. But earlier they were hidden and scattered among different Departments with incomprehensible names. So a “client-side” architecture was created where #a is a “parameter” (degree/nondegree, shortterm/ midterm etc.) so the scholar would easily find his program according to the parameter.

The client-side architecture was showcased on the primary Education page. The school-side architecture was put out of the menu and the first level of the user flow

All in one place

‘Client-side’ architecture was also realized on a programs search page. Here a future student can find a suitable program considering type, specialty, duration and other properties put in a filter section.

The educational process is about gaining both hard power and soft power skills. So the power of the School community is as important as the power of knowledge


The power of community was reflected in a Community page where a student, teacher or researcher is able to know more about his own networking prospects. It contains all the information about every faculty member, student, alumni, researcher and even staff member.