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Ukrainian Judiciary 2018

Transforming bureaucratic newspaper into litigations tracker. The service helps to find trial cases including their history, status and details. As well as to find a court, prepare a valid application to the court and get information about judiciary


Ukrainian judiciary website is visited not only by judiciary representatives, but mainly by regular people with the indicator of 2-3 mln visits per month. Almost 60% of the visitors have a practical goal to find a specific case, its current state and sessions.

Difference between trial case and proceeding number creates misunderstanding for both citizens and lawyers. So Council of Judges of Ukraine proposed to overcome it with a unique case number, designed almost as a web protocol

Unique case number

Unique case number consists of 4 digit groups: jurisdiction code, year (last two digits), court code (first instance), case number (6 digits). Proceeding number is a continuation of a unique case number with court code (of a current instance) and proceeding code added.

Cases page

Cases page shows all the proceedings according to the search query. The proceeding preview card consists of its number, current state, Judgement button and details. Tabular view option was introduced to improve legal practice studies.

Earlier every proceeding state was displayed as a different entity. New approach unites all states in one timeline showing all the events in the proceeding


Court search page is the next priority feature. It contains a search form based on the court name and filters by type, specialization, location of the court. Also, the user can select his own residential address to find a court nearby.

According to research appr. 18% of the users searches lawsuit templates on different purposes: recovery of alimony, distribution of common property etc. Such templates were added as a part of filing a lawsuit feature

Press center

Initial informational purpose of the website was transformed and located into Press center tab. Previously, a news contained a required field for a photo. In result news were filled with dummy photography. A new design offers a photo only as an option for featured announcement.

Design system was based on Carbon design system adopted for specific needs of the service including grid, color scheme, paddings, breakpoints and typography